A full–time school nurse runs the school clinic. Her work focuses on preventive, curative and educative matters.

  • The preventive aspect involves keeping and updating a file for each student. Parents are required to fill a health status update at the start of each school year.
  • The curative aspect involves taking care of illness and accidents, Sick students are reported to the clinic for treatment. The nurse checks the files for allergies etc. before deciding on appropriate care. If the student is sick and needs further treatment, the parents are contacted immediately for further measures. In case of a minor accident, the parents are notified either on the phone and or by a memo describing what happened and the measures taken. Major accidents that require hospitalization are dealt with depending on the seriousness of the situation. Parents are notified at once and asked to accompany their child to the hospital for treatment. If the accident is so serious that student requires immediate hospitalization, JWA personal will accompany student to the hospital and the parents are asked to meet them there.
  • Besides the preventive and curative measures, the clinic offers an educative aspect. The nurse is involved in class visitations, assemblies on hygiene, health issues etc. and on disseminating information on current health practices.

Please keep your child at home if he/she has:

  • Current fever or during the previous 24-hours period.
  • A heavy nasal discharge.
  • A persistent cough.
  • Symptoms of a possible contagious disease. (These are usually sniffles, reddened eyes, sore throat, headache and abdominal pain, fever, spots on skin, various discharge).

Please notify the school at once if the student does have a contagious disease, precautions and preventive action can be taken immediately.

NB:                                                                                                                                                                  Parents are responsible for class work material and / or homework assignments covered during the student’s absence. Please contact the supervisor in the morning to request such assignments either through email or receiving a hard copy.                      

Please arrange for their collection of the agenda or assignment from the school’s administration at the end of the school day. Do not disturb teachers in their classes.



Any student suspected of having lice or nit will be accompanied to the clinic for head lice inspection. If lice are present, the student’s parents will be contacted immediately to arrange for the student to go home and get lice treatment. The student can resume classes only after the school nurse confirms that appropriate treatment and removal of head lice was completed. Screening of identified student’s siblings will take place as well as the whole class.


Health and immunization records are required and maintained on every student. Parents are urged to notify the school health clinic of any significant changes in health, which occur during the school year.

Some vaccines are usually provided by the Ministry of Health. The school will notify the parents and their approval is required before the students receive any vaccination.


Please update the school’s clinic about the student’s status by using the health status update form if your child has any allergy which we should be aware.


If your child must bring medication to school, the following steps need to be followed:

  1. Parents should notify the school nurse when a child is taking medication.
  2. All medications must be submitted by hand to the Health Clinic by the parents and not via student.
  3. The medicine must be clearly identified with the reason, time, dosage, student’s name and class.

Please note additional health measures:

  • The nurse keeps a daily log on all matters. Please contact the clinic for any clarifications or inquiries.
  • After a prolonged absence due to illness, the students should submit a sick report from medical doctor to the Floor Supervisor office.