A Perfect Learning Center

An Elementary School education is considered the first real contact any child has with the formal education system. It forms the basis of primary education for children between the ages of 4 which is vital to a child’s overall development since these are the formative years during which they are 11, and typically includes grades from Kindergarten through to Grade 5. Elementary school is extremely educational foundation for a child’s success.
The elementary school curriculum adopted by schools for primary education includes subjects that are focused on basic academic learning and the development of fundamental social skills. During this time, students are taught the fundamentals of subjects like Math, Science, English, Arabic, Islamic Studies, Social Studies, Physical Development, Fine Arts and Computer.

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What We Offer In Jeddah World

Excellence and creativity is what we always strive to reach

Excellence and Creativity

Our Special Education Program offers quality education to children with disabilities and developmental delays.

High Quality

Our Special Education Program offers quality education to children with disabilities and developmental delays.

Qualified Teachers

Our Special Education Program offers quality education to children with disabilities and developmental delays.

Limited Fees

Our Special Education Program offers quality education to children with disabilities and developmental delays.

About Jeddah World Academy

Our mission at Jeddah International Academy School is providing excellence in pre-school, kindergarten before and after school, and the summer camp for families living in the major local area. Here you can find exceptional teachers, curricula, and environments that encourage children to learn, play and explore in a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment that encourages creative thinking.
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